

How to use the Excel MOD function

The Excel MOD function returns the remainder from division, useful for cyclic calculations and determining even or odd numbers.

Excel MOD function

The Excel MOD function returns the remainder of two numbers after division. For example, MOD(10,3) = 1. The result of MOD carries the same sign as the divisor.


2021年8月1日 — MOD 函數主要是傳回兩數相除後的餘數(餘數和除數具有相同的正負號)。

Excel MOD函數的全方位解析與教學

2023年9月18日 — Excel MOD 函數簡介. Excel的MOD函數是一個工程師式的函數,可以幫助您獲得兩數相除後的餘數。函數的語法非常簡單,即MOD(number, divisor)。

MOD 函數

MOD 函數. Excel for Microsoft 365 ...

MOD function

Returns the remainder after number is divided by divisor. The result has the same sign as divisor. Syntax. MOD(number, divisor). The MOD function syntax has the ...

MOD 函數

MOD 函數. Microsoft 365 Excel ...

Excel MOD function to get remainder and more

2023年3月17日 — The MOD function in Excel is used to find remainder after division of one number (dividend) by another (divisor). In mathematics, this operation ...